Boer goats commonly have white bodies and distinctive brown heads. Some Boer goats can be completely brown or white or paint, which means large spots of a different color are on their bodies.

Their name is derived from their red coat and the Kalahari Desert. They have adapted to resist their harsh environment, having their red coats as a means of protection against sunlight and naturally built to resist diseases.

The white Savanna goat breed was developed from indigenous goats of South Africa. One of the advantages of these white goats was the fact that the white color is dominant over most other colors.

The British Alpine is a high producer of quality goats’ milk, and the breed can be found in many goat dairies as an acceptable milker. These goats are capable of extended lactations, sometimes even lasting close to two years.

The Saanen is the most productive milk goat of Switzerland, which has the most productive milking goats in the world. Average milk yield is 838kg in a lactation of 264 days. The milk has a minimum of 3.2% fat and 2.7% protein.

The Angora or Ankara is a Turkish breed of domesticated goat. It produces the lustrous fibre known as mohair. Its in many countries of the world. The Angora is a moderately small goat, standing about 50–55 cm at the withers.
Alpha Goats Cape Town
How Much Does It Cost to Buy a Goat?
There is a huge variance in the cost of goats. For example, an unregistered wether goat is going to cost a lot less than a registered champion bred buck.
There are also many factors that will determine how much a goat costs like their age, show history, health, and more. The quality of the goat breed, along with the market demand will dictate the price that that goat will cost.