Angora goats are a Turkish breed of domesticated goat. It produces the lustrous fibre known as mohair. It is widespread in many countries of the world.
The Angora is a moderately small goat, standing about 50–55 cm at the withers. It is slender, elegant, and light-framed and the head is small, with semi-lop ears.
The billies horns are commonly twisted, long, and strong. With the exception of the face and legs, the animal is entirely covered in a coat of long ringlets of fine and lustrous mohair.
Angora Goats South Africa
Like all goats, the scientific name of Angora goats is Capra aegagrus hircus. Angora is a breed. No one is sure of the exact facts of the history of Angora goats. Their origin is not precisely recorded. Ther origin appears to have started in Asia Minor about 1571 and 1451 B.C.
- Ideally, Angora goats are shaved when the fibers are between 10cm – 11cm long.
- They are raised worldwide, with the USA, South Africa, and Turkey being the largest producers.
- Each goat is shaved twice yearly to collect the fiber.
- Adult Angora goats produce about 10.6 pounds of mohair annually.
- They are the only goat that produces hair.
Read more on Boer Goats | Studs | Bucks | Does
Angora Goats Habitat and Distribution
Angora goats thrive in mostly semi-arid regions with dry, hot summers and cold winters. They originated in Asia Minor and were first successfully exported to other countries beginning in the mid-19th century. Populations were established in South Africa in 1838.
These goats are almost all in managed (rather than wild) populations, and they are often artificially inseminated, dehorned, and otherwise controlled. Adult angoras are sheared on a biannual basis, producing weights of up to about 10 pounds per year of long, silky fibers between 20cm – 25cm long. The goats are quite susceptible to cold and wet weather after they have been sheared, for periods up to 4–6 weeks.
Buildings and Housing
Does your land currently have a barn or other shelter that can be used for goats? Each goat should have 1.5m2 of shelter. Calculations should include the kids you plan to have each spring.
Angora goats do not like to share so provide adequate space for even the timid goat to have shelter from harsh weather and covered feeder space. Several feeder spaces are best so the most dominant goat can’t hog a single feeder space. Separate kidding stalls are recommended for the highest survival rates. Also, consider what fencing is currently in place and what changes are needed to accommodate them.
Breeding Angora Goats
Angoras breed seasonally, usually from August through January. Does are induced into estrus by the presence of a buck and cycle every 19 to 21 days until pregnant. Artificial insemination in Angoras is not common, so most breeding is done by a live buck that runs with the doe herd for the two or three months of the breeding season.
Recommended pre-breeding management of the doe flock includes shearing, delousing, and increasing the plane of nutrition several weeks in advance of breeding. Supplementing the diet with additional feed in the weeks preceding breeding, a process called flushing, encourages multiple births.
In some herds, twin births are very common, in other flocks, single births will predominate. The two largest factors influencing multiple births in Angora goats are pre-breeding nutrition and body size. Larger, stouter nannies that have been flushed prior to breeding are more likely to have twin births than those that are smaller-bodied or that have not been flushed prior to breeding.
“Your does can live to be 16 and still be productive at 12, 13, and even 14 years old. That is why good conformation is such an essential trait along with beautiful fiber. Generally, nannies need to weigh 60 pounds to breed, which means most females are bred as yearlings and kid for the first time as 2-year-old goats.
Tips for Angora Goat Farming
As a fiber goat breed, the Angora goats generally require additional caring. And it’s very easy to take care of them. Here we are describing about the basic caring tips for Angora goat farming.
- As a fiber goat breed, the body of the Angora goat should be clean and fresh. So, wash the body of your goats frequently with washing detergent or soap.
- Keep the bucks and does separate.
- Always try to purchase good quality and disease-free goats.
- Provide them with good quality food for keeping them healthy and productive.
- Never feed your goats with rotten or dirty food.
- Always try to keep the house dry and clean.
- De-worm and vaccinate your goats timely.
- Always try to provide them with adequate clean and fresh water as per their demand.